Kybellain New York City​

Kybella is an FDA approved (deoxycholic acid) injection used to reduce double chins or “heavy necks” by breaking down fat and absorbing it. Kybella helps to permanently eliminate submental fullness under the chin while contouring the neck and jawline.
Fat accumulation under the chin can occur in both adult women and men as we age and frequently loss of fat bulges under the chin is difficult with dieting and exercise. Kybella injections are a simple targeted non-surgical option that is a viable option to attempt before exploring liposuction of the neck or a neck lift. Kybella is not ideal for patients who have excess hanging skin under their neck, but would rather be great candidates for a neck lift by Dr. Kopelman.
Kybella works by destroying fat cells in the targeted area while simultaneously tightening the skin around your neck. Kybella reduces fat gradually and requires that patients one have two to three treatments spread out every 6 weeks. Once you have completed your Kybella treatments, it is likely that you will not require additional treatments in the future because you have destroyed the fat deposits from accumulating and storing fat

Kybella Before & After

These Kybella Injection before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Kopelman. They will help you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient to learn more about their Kybella Injections.

Kybella Injections in NYC with Dr. Joel Kopelman

As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Kopelman has 35 years of experience of performing both surgical and non-surgical procedures on the face. His in-depth knowledge of the anatomical structures of the face and extensive experience with all different injectables allow him to get superb neck contouring with Kybella injections in New York City. During your consultation, Dr. Kopelman will spend time reviewing your medical history to see if Kybella or other procedures are ideal for you.

Kybella injections are an effective non-invasive surgical procedure to melt fat below your chin line.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Procedure & Recovery

Before your Kybella injections, Dr. Kopelman will numb your neck with lidocaine and apply ice packs as the medication takes effect. The doctor will then assess the zones of your neck to inject in a grid pattern under the chin in order to ensure that there is equal distribution of Kybella.
You might feel a slight discomfort during the procedure similar to getting other injectables and fillers but the pain will quickly dissipate. You should expect to have mild discomfort with some mild swelling and bruising for a couple of days. Throughout your recovery, Dr. Kopelman will guide you on how to maximize your results from a chin augmentation by informing you what to expect during your recovery.
Frequently asked questions
about Kybella Injections

Frequently asked questions
about Kybella Injections

Kybella is made of deoxycholic acid which can reduce the fat beneath your chin with a series of injections that will melt fat away. Once the fat cells are destroyed they are eliminated and expelled by the body.

Not everyone who has a bulge of fat beneath their chin are good candidates for Kybella. Usually patients between their thirties and sixties are the best candidates for the procedure. These patients typically have good skin tone and do not have extreme degrees of skin or muscle laxity which predisposes to respond to Kybella in the most favorable way.If on the other hand you have significant skin and muscle laxity then Kybella would not be the treatment of choice. Therefore, it is important to consult with a facial plastic surgeon who can decide which treatment option is ideal for you before you embark on this treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

For Kybella Injections

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kopelman,

please call the office or request an appointment online.

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